会員No. 10998 | |
生年月日 | 1995年7月15日 |
年齢 | 29歳 |
身長 | 168 |
体重 | Unknown |
学歴 | 大学卒業 |
国籍 | ウクライナ |
地域 | Rivne |
婚暦 | 初婚 |
子供 | いない |
たばこ | 吸わない |
お酒 | 飲まない |
職業 | Unknown |
趣味 | 旅行、スポ-ツ、ジム、ダンス、音楽鑑賞、旅行、読書、映画鑑賞 |
外国語 | 英語中級、ロシア語、ウクライナ語 |
性格 | 優しい、穏やか、思いやりがある、ロマンチック、親切、気配りができる、友好的、快活 |
男性への希望 | |
年齢 | 29~56歳 |
身長 | |
学歴 | |
女性からコメント | I am very romantic, kind, friendly and caring. Dream about my own happiness. I try to spend my free time with pleasure. I like sports and being active. I like going to the gym. I love dancing. I can't sit on my place when I hear my favorite songs and I start dancing. Though, dancing is one of my hobbies, I am not a fan of night clubs and discos. Sometimes I meet my friends and we enjoy our warm conversation and good company. I cherish every moment I can spend with my closest people. I dream to meet my man, and together we can become one happy family. That's the most important thing for me. I am not interested in career making, only in making a strong and friendly family with one man. I want to be a happy wife and to make him a happy husband. And that's my primary goal. Let's continue our conversation through the private letters! Write me... I am waiting..." I am looking for : I came here to find my man - who will be a good and understanding friend, husband and passionate lover. I want my man to be smart, intelligent, honest and without bad habits. I want him to gift me real happiness! |